Skin Safety
Let Sage Dermatology be your guide.
Protect Your Skin
Wear protective clothing, including wide brimmed hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved UPF 50 clothing.
Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF >30 or higher every day, preferably with a mineral active ingredient (i.e., zinc).
Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, or more frequently if swimming or sweating.
Take extra caution when near water, snow, or sand, as reflection increases the risk of burning. UV rays penetrate through clouds and car windows.
Never go to tanning beds!
Perform Regular Skin Exams
The AAD recommends adults receive yearly Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment with a dermatologist.
Perform regular self-skin exams.
Most skin cancers are easily treatable when caught early.
High Elevation Factors
UV radiation increases with elevation.
The thin atmosphere at higher altitudes allows for greater penetration of UV radiation, increasing the risk of sunburn, skin damage, and potential long-term effects such as skin cancer.
It is crucial for residents and visitors in Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming to take all precautionary measures.
Be a Shade Seeker
The 3 Types of Skin Cancer

- Most aggressive, potentially life-threatening.
- New or changing mole (size, shape or color)
Know your ABCDE’s. - Multiple colors: tan, brown, black, areas of white, red, or blue
- Due to blistering sunburns and genetic predisposition.

Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Most common
- Often painless
- Non-healing
- Slow Growing
- A pearly or shiny nodule or bump
- Due to cumulative sun exposure

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 2nd most common form of skin cancer
- May be painful
- Could grow slowly or rapidly
- A persistent scaly patch or scab
- Can resemble a wart-like growth
- Due to cumulative sun exposure